Recruitment & Labour Hire agencies provide staff solutions to allow business to contract & expand in line with business & economic circumstances.
Usually the biggest overhead in any business is wages, salaries & associated on costs.
When businesses experience an economic slowdown due to external factors caused by either domestic or international markets it is important to react quickly to reduce operating costs & overheads so as not to affect the ongoing viability of the business.
Reduction in staff numbers is often the easiest way to impact the bottom line when sales revenue & demand decline as opposed to reducing other fixed overheads.
Many businesses are hesitant to take this approach due to wealth of knowledge which may be lost & worry about staff shortage when business starts to take an upturn.
In these situations, a business should do a thorough review of what staff they have what they really need & see if any changes in job functions or positions are required. This type of review may be overlooked in the day to day operations when profits are good & budgets are being achieved.
DSC can provide you with the staff you really need & provide the numbers of staff on a daily basis when there is an upturn in demand.
The flexibility, skill set & numbers of staff which can be supplied allows a business to access their circumstances continually & not be worried that they will not be able to service their customers, allowing for business growth.
At DSC we provide a 12-week temp to permanent option for all staff categories including admin & office support as well as operational roles. This allows you to access the skill set, business & cultural fit without having to commit to any upfront placement fee. The temp arrangement can continue beyond the 12 weeks as you monitor business requirements.
DSC has casual daily hire of any number of staff in all categories both blue & white collar with a minimum 4 hours daily hire. This flexibility provides solutions to your daily changing demand in these uncertain economic times.
Call us now on 02 9319 3766 to discuss your business needs or email or contact us online to receive our highly competitive labour hire rates.